Tuesday, September 16, 2008

North to Alaska

The afternoon was beautiful after the fog burned off. We saw rocky, green land, with the occasional fishing boat in one of the many coves. The sun shone deep into the clear blue water. The Pearl moved along at 19.8 knots through calm waters, with the swish of the water the only sound, occasionally punctuated with an announcement from the captain. We didn’t see the whales “off the bow”. As a matter of fact, the only creatures much in evidence were sea gulls on the rocks.

I had pictured myself afraid that the salmon would be jumping on our balcony, and that bears would be sunning themselves on the shore as we passed by. Perhaps elk and moose drinking from a mountain stream, and Orcas performing for delighted passengers. What was I thinking? I am told that wildlife sightings may still be a thrill to look forward to.

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